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SUSTAINABLE MEDIA: Countdown app goes live

Aktualisiert: 20. Mai 2020

A new WORLDWATCH app shows fascinating changes in animal and environmental protection, the consequences of global warming and other global developments. Not only an impressive screensaver with an ecological background - striking countdowns also show the scientifically proven numbers behind the pictures.

(Announcement: WORLDWATCH, May 2020, photo:

Wherever you look or listen: reports of the often dramatic developments in connection with environmental and species protection and the catastrophic consequences of climate change and globalization are piling up. But the dimensions are often incomprehensible, the relationships complex and the effects globally confusing.

There is no shortage of information, scientifically proven studies and forecasts for the future. An increasing environmental movement, especially among the younger generation, shows that there is no shortage of commitment. The complexity and amount of global changes and opinions on them often make it difficult to get to the point or make a difference.

Free and invaluable

The first small app from WORLDWATCH wants to give food for thought and tries to build a bridge between the fascinating or frightening images around the increasing changes in our environment and the bare scientific figures that document the developments.

Threatened species, the destruction of rainforest, melting glaciers and a rise in COº or the worldwide spread of drought and storms provide fascinating motifs for the numerous slideshows of this app. In addition, some picture series currently show the changed world in the times of Corona.

“Can numbers be emotional? In this case: Against the background of impressive picture series, a current countdown with scientifically proven numbers creates the global classification and new arguments for action."

Images and numbers illustrate the same thing in different ways - in this sense, science and documentation are not a contradiction to idealism and emotional commitment to the environment. Rather, they are two sides of the same coin, which can complement and reinforce with the right graphic and media resources - as in this app. The surprising combination of these supposed opposites is the program for the production of sustainable innovative media by the agency WORLDWATCH from Hamburg.

Die Countdown-App gibt es als Browser-Version für alle Systeme (Windows und Apple) sowie für alle Mobilgeräte (Tablets und Smartphones, iOS und Android) in den entsprechenden Stores.

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